The 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing marks a historic event in world history. The thing however I simply can't come to terms with is that we (my family) were watching the events unfold on a TV with valves! Also there was no remote control in those days for our 19" or was it a 21" black and white TV (that was a real historic event when you didn't have to get off your back-side to change channels) What I mean to say is, how can you have a man on the moon when technology was still fairly primitive, and my dad's Ford Popular car had to have a handle inserted in the front of the car to help it start-up.
When Neil Armstrong descended the ladder and took 'One Small Step', who set the camera on the tri-pod to film the event? My friend Gary had a theory: 'Buzz' Aldrin nipped out the back door of the craft and set-up the camera 'when no one was watching!!!' Well every one's entitled to an opinion, but my friend spoiled his chance of credibility by referring to Mission Commander Armstrong as Louis Armstrong! I never had the heart to tell him that one Armstrong was a black, iconic, 'Hello Dolly' jazz trumpeter, and the other the first man to step on the moon. I know they left Hassleblad cameras up there, but according to my friend Gary, Louis Armstrong left his trumpet....ok, ok so I'm joking now, but he did say Louis and not Neil Armstrong several times.
Many people think that it was faked in a studio, one wild claim was that the legendary film director Stanley Kubrick was paid by NASA as a consultant to the filming of the mission. He had previously made 2001: A Space Odyssey, released in April 1968 so was concidered something of an expert in this field.
There have been so many conspiracy theories but I genuinely believed 'they pulled it off', but why, having said that, can't we zoom-in on Louis', sorry - the landing site, with flag, moon buggy, cameras etc, after all we can see into other galaxies with telescopes these days....but it's to big an event to cover-up if they didn't get there, don't you think? There were 1ooo's of people involved, someone would of sang like a canary by now, and there would of been many I would of thought over the years, so many that I fear the CIA would of run out of bullets long before now!
There is a terrific movie called Capricorn One (1978) about a cover-up mission to Mars, when the life support system fails at the last minute and the crew are forced to fake the mission in a TV studio. O.J. Simpson has a substantial part in the movie, this was in the days when he filled his time in before and after retiring from a successful career as an American football player with acting duties. Later he's filled his time in by, er...doing 'time', 33 years to be precise, for...well I think you know the story there, or is that a conspiracy too!
If you can think of any good reason to suggest why you man hasn't been to the moon, or anything related, i.e. a pointless waist of money and resources in the name of a presidential campaign and not wanting to come second best to the U.S.S.R, please let me know. Also if you are familiar with the movie Capricorn One, let me know what you think of that too. Thanks.
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